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1 Oct, 2001
3rd Quarter 2001 - Freedom
September. On the 17th of that month in 1862, 23,000 Americans were killed or wounded near a little town in Maryland on the banks of the Potomac River called Antietam. It was the bloodiest day inrnAmerican history.
1 Jul, 2001
2nd Quarter 2001 - Keeping the Top Down
Summer means morning fog along the California coast. It usually burns off by afternoon, but not always. No matter; the top of my convertible is always down, because the view is better. Not always good, especially in this market, just better.
1 Apr, 2001
1st Quarter 2001 - Trials, Tribulations... & Tips
Unless your portfolio has been stuffed with Treasury bonds, you are suffering through the worst period of portfolio returns in a generation. You probably didn't need that reminder, but I hope we can put some perspective around this current market...